John McBride


Developer advocacy Software Engineer Team Builder

Seasoned pragmatic full stack software engineer and technologist with a passion for all things developer advocacy. Over 20 years’ experience in building teams, products and communities ranging from healthcare to tech companies with a varying range of technologies from cloud to highly secure On-Prem environments.

:toolbox: Development Languages

:wrench: Development Tools

☁️ Platforms and Cloud

:clapper: My YouTube Videos

Citrix Developer Extension Update to include script feeds Citrix Developer Extension for VSCode - Enabling User Scripts VS Extension - Powershell HowTo: Using the Citrix Netscaler Yeoman Generator How to install Netscaler CPX on Docker for Windows How to install Netscaler CPX on Docker for Mac

:man_technologist: About me and my journey

I am a software engineer and technoligist that focuses on being pragmatic and building end to end systems. I've been developing software for 25+ years ranging from working in healthcare IT to working for major tech companies. I have also have experience with system administration, believing that the more you know about the entire system, the better solutions you can build as a developer. I consider myself a polyglot developer and able to jump around from technology to development language to bring a solution to market. [youtube]: