• dev:snack YouTube series - Octoblu and Visual Studio

    In this Dev:snack edition, we highligh some of the new features we have included in the Citrix Developer Extension for Visual Studio that target the Citrix Octoblu platform. We go over items like new samples and some additional tool windows that are included to help you work with Octoblu.you would like to see. Check out the video below.
  • Developer YouTube series - bite sized snacks of developer information

    I’m starting to post little videos focused on interesting developer information titled Dev:snack. Each one of these videos will highlight some interesting developer feature/information that I’m currently working on or just find interesting. The current set of videos is more targeted on some of the software I’m working on in my day job as a Developer Advocate at Citrix here in Fort Lauderdale. I’m always interested in your feedback so reach out and let me know if you like the format and what you would like to see. Below are the first few videos, more will be coming soon.
  • VS Extension to reset the Experimental Visual Studio Instance

    In developing some extensions I grew increasing tired of having to manually reset the experimental instance of Visual Studio. You typically do this by deleting the required files in the AppData directory as well as the “Exp” key in the registry. Having to do this multiple times during some testing I wrote an extension and open sourced it that cleanly resets the experimental install of visual studio. You can grab the extension on the Visual Studio Gallery here If you would like to follow the source on Github, check out project here
  • Live coding sesssion - Octoblu/Citrix and .NET

    We’ve recently added some new updates to the Citrix Developer Extension for Visual Studio to show off some of the feature of the Citrix Octoblu platform. To show off show of the features I put together this Live Coding session to show how to build a sample app that registers an application with meshblu using the meshblu API and building a workflow to send message to that application via web sockets, all with .NET. You can get more information on the Citrix Developer Extension for Visual Studio here